Order Barcodes, Inc.

What We Do!

BlockOut Laser Label Sheets

Our commitment to offering superior barcode labeling solutions led to the development of our BlockOut Laser Labels. BlockOut Laser Sheets have a custom face material with a gray backside, and a permanent rubber-based adhesive.
BlockOut Labels are available Printed and Blank from Order Barcodes, Inc.

BlockOut Labels
No Visible Show Through
Blackout label
Standard Labels
Visible Show Through
Standard label
Order Blank Labels

How BlockOut Labels Work

BlockOut Labels have gray backside which prevents anything from showing through the front of the label. BlockOut labels can be used to cover-up a barcode or to cover anything which may hinder scanning.

Hewlett Packard Success Story

During the development of our BlockOut Laser sheets, we submitted 20,000 sheets of blank laser label stock to the HP Media Testing Lab in Boise, ID, for rigorous testing across all types of HP LaserJet printers

After thoroughly testing our label stock in their testing lab, the HP Testing Lab confirmed our laser label stock met, or exceeded all of HP’s media guidelines.

Additionally, to promote the use of HP LaserJet Printers for barcode label printing applications, HP wrote a Success Story regarding our innovative use of HP printing equipment.

To view the full White Paper (PDF), click here.

Eliminates Show Through

BlockOut labels cover-up incorrect barcodes or anything which may prevent scanning. The gray backside prevents show-through from hindering barcode scanning.

Adheres to all types of surfaces

BlockOut labels have a rubber-based permanent adhesive which adheres aggressively to all types of surfaces.

Superior barcode Imaging

BlockOut labels have a high quality face stock designed to enhance barcode imaging and durability.

Available in a variety of sizes

BlockOut labels are available in a variety of label sizes on both Letter and Legal Size size sheets.